A vehicle for bringing together the algebraic and tropical geometry communities of Brown and surrounding institutions for a biannual day of talks. (~ 40 participants)
A series of weekend workshops in algebraic geometry held at institutions in the Northeast, with the goal to introduce graduate students to a broad spectrum of current research in algebraic geometry. (~ 150 participants)
A workshop focusing on forming a community of women and non-binary researchers interested in commutative algebra by learning about specific topics in commutative algebra from a diverse group of prominent active researchers. (~35 participants)
A conference devoted to building a diverse community of mathematicians in combinatorics to address gender equity in the mathematical community and foster new research collaborations. (~ 35 participants)
A vehicle for bringing together the algebraic and tropical geometry communities of Brown and surrounding institutions for a biannual day of talks. (~ 30 participants)
A conference to celebrate and promote research advances of LGBT2Q mathematicians specializing in algebraic geometry, arithmetic geometry, commutative algebra, and number theory. (~ 50 participants)
GEMS of Combinatorics (Gender Equity in the Mathematical Study of Combinatorics) is a two-day conference that will be held virtually on Zoom. (~ 40 participants)
The Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium (WAGS) is a biannual meeting of algebraic geometers in the western part of North America. WAGS aims to build a regional community among algebraic geometers of all career stages, from advanced undergraduates to full professors. (~ 100 participants)
A virtual online conference bringing together people in commutative algebra and related fields.(~ 70 participants)
A workshop at the University of Minnesota, April 12-14, 2019, focusing on forming a community of women and non-binary researchers interested in commutative algebra by learning about specific topics in commutative algebra from a diverse group of prominent active researchers.(~ 35 participants)
A workshop providing a diverse group of early career researchers the opportunity to learn about specific topics in the arithmetic and algebraic geometry of surfaces from a diverse set of prominent active researchers.(~ 40 participants)
A workshop focused on creating exciting new packages for Macaulay2 by bringing together developers and users of all skill levels and experience. (~ 45 participants)
Seminars & Special Sessions
A yearly conference bringing together transgender and non-binary mathematicians to highlight their research and find community and support. (~ 75 participants per year)
A virtual, open-access, directed reading program in algebra and geometry for undergraduate students.
A virtual open-access introductory course in algebraic geometry. (~ 1600 participants)
A virtual open-access introductory course in algebraic geometry. (~ 250 students per year)